Sunday, June 2, 2019
Infomercials And Other Dishonest Commercials Essay -- essays research
Infomercials and Other Dishonest CommercialsThe other night I was sitting in front of the television watching a new-fanglednight show, when a commercial break came on, I instinctively clicked on theremote to flip by dint of the channels to see what else was on. As I surfed throughthe channels I came across dozens of info-mercials, a commercial for shootting acollege degree at home, and a few mental hotline advertisements. I stopclicking the remote after a while to see what the commercials were selling, andto see how cheep the products were. There were advertisements for how to adhere abetter body, the "fountain of spring chicken" make-up, and the charcoal-less grill. It is horrendous what they stand by under ones skin up with nowadays. As I continued surfing I came acrossSally Struthers trying to sell an "earn your college degree at home" commercial,honestly, how darling can that kind of degree be? Then as I kept flipping, I cameacross the "psychic netwo rk of friends" advertisement, on the dot as they were offer a "free psychic reading to first time callers" all that was requiredwas that a certain 1-800 number be dialed and a person could get a reading.Then to show that the reading was accurate, they had people come on and say thattheir experience with the psychic was "life changing," and that "it was so realthe psychic knew everything." It is amazing what people will fall for in thisday and age. Info-mercials ar basically half hour commercials that attempt to sellproducts to watchers. The products that most info-mercials offer are things thatare said to "improve someones life" but in most cases the products are rip-offsand are an easy way for the manufacturers to make money. Some of the productsinclude the "AB-flex," a simple(a) rocking seat that is supposed to hold thisunearthly power to flatten a persons stomach. The "AB-flex" guarantees to "makei t easier to develop stomach muscles, without the assistance of any othermachine, in just thirty days" they also claim that "this piece of equipment canmake you feel younger and give you more energy." There is also an info-mercialfor "the fountain of youth" make-up, the make-up is said to make skin appearyounger than it actually is this product plays off the idea of women hating togr... ...s reliant on"their own personal psychic" for information about their future life, there isalmost no turning back. These hotlines, I have to admit, are a really good moneymaker. Who would not want to know what is going to happen to themselves in thefuture? It would tempt even the most rational person to call up the number toget a glimpse into their future. The world is not longer filled with honest people. All that people areout for nowadays is money, and they will do anything to get it, even if it meanslying, deceiving, and bribing people into th ings They will stop at nothing.Salespeople reason this by that if the people that are watching are gullibleenough to get or call, then they deserve to be ripped-off. Honesty in sales nolonger exists, it has been replaced by lying and cheating. Consumers are nolonger expert from these deceivers, instead they must arm themselves withknowledge and common-sense. For some people this may be a challenge, they havealready been drawn into the trap of these liars, and it is difficult for them to scheme the trap, but if we are to survive in this new world of dishonest people,then we must be armed.
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