Saturday, August 31, 2019
Purpose of various software utilities Essay
Virus protection – virus protection protects a computer system from malicious viruses and Trojans and worms which you can be infected by through the internet or email or downloading files or through a USB flash drive etc. virus protection usually consists of a firewall, virus scanner, virus remover and spyware. With virus protection you can perform a scan on your computer to check if you have been infected by any viruses or Trojans or worms. With some virus protections software’s you can scan your computer then it will ask you if you want the viruses removed, also if any programs have been infected the virus protection will ask you if you want the infected program deleted, most virus protection programs quarantine the infected programs in case they are not really viruses. The main purpose of anti-virus software is to protect your computer form getting viruses, it does this by scanning downloads and attachments for viruses, it does this in the background while the user is performing other tasks. If the user does come across a virus the program will warn the user and give the user the option of deleting it before it infects the computer. Some virus protection programs protect the user against spyware, this is a malicious program that enters a computer through internet, the threat usually comes through pop-up ads or bad internet websites, if a threat does come through the virus protection will warn the user and give the user an option to eliminate the threat before it harms the computer. Firewalls – the purpose of a firewall is to block intruders by looking for suspicious words such as domain names or IP addresses, certain protocols like file transfer protocol, ports and routing through a proxy service. There are two types of firewalls, hardware firewalls and software firewalls. Software firewalls provide another coating of security, software firewalls prohibit malware on your computer from being sent to others. Hardware firewalls treat any kind of traffic from travelling from a local network out to the internet as safe. An example of a threat entering your computer could be, you visit a website that contains a hidden malicious program that’s designed to secretly install itself on your machine and then send information out via the internet, this maybe to steal personal information, this is one method of infection. It is very dangerous to operate the internet without a firewall because then you will not be notified if a malicious program is trying to enter your computer and if you do not have a firewall it will not be able to protect you from malicious programs that will damage your computer. A hardware firewall is a physical device that connects to a computer and is configurable through connection to it or either through using the internet browser or through a command line interface. Clean up tools e.g. removal of cookies, internet history and defragmentation – the cookies in your browser are meant to make pages load faster, but they eventually start to slow down the system, overall the cookie files will become very large and this will impact on the overall speed of the system, this is where you could implement the cleaning software, the cleaning software scans for and deletes old and unnecessary data then after doing the clean-up procedure pages will take longer to open but this is normal. Internet history is a record of an internet user’s visited websites, downloaded files, saved passwords, saved internet files and cookies. By removing all your internet history is makes your computer system faster because there is more space to store files, also by removing your internet history all saved passwords will get deleted and all files downloaded will also get deleted. You should remove your internet history every couple of weeks so your history doesn’t get cluttered up, this is what makes your internet slow. Removal of internet history can be done very easily using the internet options, you can go to the tools section of your web browser. Most internet browsers such as internet explorer and Mozilla Firefox allow you to select the categories to delete internet history, this way it is much easier if you only want to delete one category instead of deleting all the categories, for example if you want to erase form data you simply click on erase form data to delete all the history in that category. When removing internet history it also gives you the option to delete cookies, deleting cookies often is a good thing because you can get hackers that use trackers to monitor your browsing activity and they can steal personal or private information. Fragmentation can cause a computer to run slower and processing problems can emerge when opening files. A defragmentation program will take the corrupted and scattered data on the drive and physically rearrange it, decreasing loading times and placing fewer problems on the computers processor. Defragmentation reduces data access and allows storage to be used more efficiently, some operating systems automatically defragment storage periodically, but others require that the user occasionally use a special utility for this purpose. Drive formatting – formatting a hard drive enables it to be able to read and write data by creating a partition on the drive, a hard disk drive can be formatted or reformatted depending on what is being done to the drive. When a new hard drive is formatted a bootable partition is created, the partition that is created is where that operating system is installed. Formatting a hard drive requires selecting a file system that will be used on the drive, the file system is what the operating system uses to organize and allocate information that is written to various sectors on the hard disk. Formatting a hard disk will overwrite the data on the drive. The formatting process only removes the operating systems ability to read the data on the drive, data needs to be rewritten to the drive and then reformatted again to ensure that the data is no longer accessible. Registry cleaner – the purpose of a registry cleaner is to remove redundant items from the registry. A registry cleaner is designed for the use of Microsoft windows operating system. Registry cleaners have an automated procedure where it looks for invalid entries, missing file references or broken links within the registry and resolving or removing them. There are many registry cleaner programs you can download of the internet, some for free and some you have to purchase, for e.g. â€Å"CCleaner†is a registry cleaner program which is free and it works on windows 8, 7, vista and XP. CCleaner can be used to uninstall programs. It also allows changes of start-up programs, so users can disable start-up programs and CCleaner lets the user delete system restore points. Benchmarking – Benchmarking is basically running a computer program. Benchmark utilities are important in PC optimisation and troubleshooting. Benchmarking assesses the relative performance of an object, by running standard tests and trials against it. Benchmarking assesses the performance characteristics of computer hardware. There are full system benchmarks as well as those that only test certain parts of a system such as the memory, CPU function, hard drives and network connections. Benchmarks help find out if there is a problem and where the location is. Bibliography –
Friday, August 30, 2019
Literature Review: the Teacher as a Researcher
Literature review Teacher and pupil understanding of ICT and e-safety in schools is an issue that is current and topical due to its increasing presence in primary education. The Byron Review (2008) has drawn attention to this with its extensive assessment of the internet and video games and how they affect children. This Byron Review supports the key issues in Internet safety and ICT use by identifying just how integral these technologies are to children’s lives.Teacher Cadet EssayThe review makes explicit recommendations to needed protect internet users whilst highlighting the importance of furthering our understanding of the risks and then educating ourselves on the benefits and dangers of e-safety and ICT. This highlights the vital role teacher play in safeguarding pupils to ensure they can use the internet and other technologies safely (Woollarda et al 2009). Cox and Marshall (2007) carried out a review of ICT posing the question ‘Effects of ICT; Do we know what we s hould know? ’ (p. 9) both authors of this paper have a prolific reputation in the area of ICT and education over the past decade and their paper addresses the importance of increasing our understanding ICT, and its long and short term impact on students learning and how it affects learning (p. 59). The importance of ensuring not only our knowledge of the impact of ICT on students learning but also how it impacts students thinking and acting (p. 68). This has direct implications on the use of ICT technologies in the many methods and settings now available to students such of the internet.By ensuring teaching professionals understand the true extent to which ICT affects students learning, attitudes, values and beliefs is essential to all individuals involved in education and the future of ICT in education. Across research into ICT and its implementation the central role of teachers in ensuring these technologies are used safely and effectively across the curriculum is acknowled ged (Woollard et al 2009. Cox 1997; Sunderland et al 2004; Tondeuret al 2007; Loveless, 2003; Pearson and Naylor 2006).This role of teachers is in pivotal in ICT and its future in education and has a direct impact on students experiences and understanding of e-safety. Woolard et al (2009) Carrier out a study focusing on identifying the training needs of teachers with regards to ICT communications in schools and e-safety (p. 188). This began with an evaluation of current e-safety resources and then a study of how trainees responded to these resources and PGCE based training. This study confirms the need for training teachers adequately to ensure they have the confidence, knowledge and adaptability necessary (Jones 2004).These skills are essential to all teaching professionals to safeguard pupils whilst ensuring ICT technologies are implements effectively in the classroom to reap the rewards on pupils learning and motivation that have been identified (Liao 1999; Cox and Abbott 2004; C ox 1997; Hennessy et al. 2005; Goodinson 2002a; Goodinson 2002b). (415 words) Bibliography Byron, T (2008) Safer Children in a Digital World. The Report of the Byron Review. DCSF Publications ; Nottingham UK. Woollarda, J,. Wickensb, C.Powellc, K and Russell, T (2009) Evaluation of e-safety materials for initial teacher training: can ‘Jenny’s Story’ make a difference? Technology, Pedagogy and Education. Vol. 18, pp. 187–200. Routledge: UK Cox, M. Marshall, G (2007) Effects of ICT: Do we Know what we should? Education and Information Technologies. 12: 50 – 70. Springer. Cox, M. J. (1997). The effects of information technology on students’ motivation. Final report. National Council for Educational Technology, Coventry. Cox, M. J. , & Abbott, C. (2004).ICT and attainment: A review of the research literature, Coventry and London, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency/Department for Education and Skills. Goodison, T (2002) Enhan cing learning with ICT at primary level. British Journal of Educational Technology. Vol 33, 215 -228. Goodison, T (2002) ICT and attainment at primary level. British Journal of Educational Technology. Vol 33, 202 -211. Hennessy, S. , Ruthven, K. , & Brindley, S. (2005). Teacher perspectives on integrating ICT into subject teaching: Commitment, constraints, caution and change.Journal of Curriculum Studies, 37, 155–192. Jones, A. (2004). A review of the research literature on barriers to the uptake of ICT by teachers. Coventry: Becta Liao, Y. K. C. (1999). Effects of hypermedia on students’ achievement: a meta-analysis. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 8(3), 255–277. Loveless, A (2003) The role of ICT. Continuum. London Tondeur, J. van Braak, J and Valcke, M (2007) Curricula and the use of ICT in education: Two worlds apart? British Journal of Educational Technology. P. 962–976Dwyer, J (2007) Computer-based Learning in a Primary School: Dif ferences between the early and later years of primary schooling. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. Vol 35. pp. 89 – 103. Sutherland, R. , Armstrong, V. , Barnes, S. , Brawn, R. , Breeze, N. , Gall, M. , et al (2004) Transforming teaching and learning: Embedding ICT into everyday classroom practices. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 20, 413-425. Pearson, M. , & Naylor, S. (2006). Changing contexts: Teacher professional development and ICT pedagogy. Education and Information Technologies, 11, 283–291. Literature Review: the Teacher as a Researcher Literature review Teacher and pupil understanding of ICT and e-safety in schools is an issue that is current and topical due to its increasing presence in primary education. The Byron Review (2008) has drawn attention to this with its extensive assessment of the internet and video games and how they affect children. This Byron Review supports the key issues in Internet safety and ICT use by identifying just how integral these technologies are to children’s lives.Teacher Cadet EssayThe review makes explicit recommendations to needed protect internet users whilst highlighting the importance of furthering our understanding of the risks and then educating ourselves on the benefits and dangers of e-safety and ICT. This highlights the vital role teacher play in safeguarding pupils to ensure they can use the internet and other technologies safely (Woollarda et al 2009). Cox and Marshall (2007) carried out a review of ICT posing the question ‘Effects of ICT; Do we know what we s hould know? ’ (p. 9) both authors of this paper have a prolific reputation in the area of ICT and education over the past decade and their paper addresses the importance of increasing our understanding ICT, and its long and short term impact on students learning and how it affects learning (p. 59). The importance of ensuring not only our knowledge of the impact of ICT on students learning but also how it impacts students thinking and acting (p. 68). This has direct implications on the use of ICT technologies in the many methods and settings now available to students such of the internet.By ensuring teaching professionals understand the true extent to which ICT affects students learning, attitudes, values and beliefs is essential to all individuals involved in education and the future of ICT in education. Across research into ICT and its implementation the central role of teachers in ensuring these technologies are used safely and effectively across the curriculum is acknowled ged (Woollard et al 2009. Cox 1997; Sunderland et al 2004; Tondeuret al 2007; Loveless, 2003; Pearson and Naylor 2006).This role of teachers is in pivotal in ICT and its future in education and has a direct impact on students experiences and understanding of e-safety. Woolard et al (2009) Carrier out a study focusing on identifying the training needs of teachers with regards to ICT communications in schools and e-safety (p. 188). This began with an evaluation of current e-safety resources and then a study of how trainees responded to these resources and PGCE based training. This study confirms the need for training teachers adequately to ensure they have the confidence, knowledge and adaptability necessary (Jones 2004).These skills are essential to all teaching professionals to safeguard pupils whilst ensuring ICT technologies are implements effectively in the classroom to reap the rewards on pupils learning and motivation that have been identified (Liao 1999; Cox and Abbott 2004; C ox 1997; Hennessy et al. 2005; Goodinson 2002a; Goodinson 2002b). (415 words) Bibliography Byron, T (2008) Safer Children in a Digital World. The Report of the Byron Review. DCSF Publications ; Nottingham UK. Woollarda, J,. Wickensb, C.Powellc, K and Russell, T (2009) Evaluation of e-safety materials for initial teacher training: can ‘Jenny’s Story’ make a difference? Technology, Pedagogy and Education. Vol. 18, pp. 187–200. Routledge: UK Cox, M. Marshall, G (2007) Effects of ICT: Do we Know what we should? Education and Information Technologies. 12: 50 – 70. Springer. Cox, M. J. (1997). The effects of information technology on students’ motivation. Final report. National Council for Educational Technology, Coventry. Cox, M. J. , & Abbott, C. (2004).ICT and attainment: A review of the research literature, Coventry and London, British Educational Communications and Technology Agency/Department for Education and Skills. Goodison, T (2002) Enhan cing learning with ICT at primary level. British Journal of Educational Technology. Vol 33, 215 -228. Goodison, T (2002) ICT and attainment at primary level. British Journal of Educational Technology. Vol 33, 202 -211. Hennessy, S. , Ruthven, K. , & Brindley, S. (2005). Teacher perspectives on integrating ICT into subject teaching: Commitment, constraints, caution and change.Journal of Curriculum Studies, 37, 155–192. Jones, A. (2004). A review of the research literature on barriers to the uptake of ICT by teachers. Coventry: Becta Liao, Y. K. C. (1999). Effects of hypermedia on students’ achievement: a meta-analysis. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 8(3), 255–277. Loveless, A (2003) The role of ICT. Continuum. London Tondeur, J. van Braak, J and Valcke, M (2007) Curricula and the use of ICT in education: Two worlds apart? British Journal of Educational Technology. P. 962–976Dwyer, J (2007) Computer-based Learning in a Primary School: Dif ferences between the early and later years of primary schooling. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. Vol 35. pp. 89 – 103. Sutherland, R. , Armstrong, V. , Barnes, S. , Brawn, R. , Breeze, N. , Gall, M. , et al (2004) Transforming teaching and learning: Embedding ICT into everyday classroom practices. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 20, 413-425. Pearson, M. , & Naylor, S. (2006). Changing contexts: Teacher professional development and ICT pedagogy. Education and Information Technologies, 11, 283–291.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Human resource management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Human resource management - Research Paper Example Employees are essential assets to any organization that strives to achieve sustainable competitive advantage and organizational success. As such, the recruitment and selection process is vital in ensuring the right employees are hired for the right jobs as a wrong recruitment can break the company. Before beginning the recruitment process the human resource department should ensure a human resource plan is in place to avoid overstaffing or understaffing. The manager needs to monitor progress and evaluate performance so as to recognize areas of weaknesses or strengths and put corrective measures such as training.From the job analysis a job description and job specification is developed which is essential for preparing a recruitment plan and selection strategy. The aim of this paper is to find a replacement for an employee who has been promoted to the next management level, evaluate his/her performance and determine pay and training needs. To achieve this, various activities will be pe rformed. First is to carry out a job analysis and develop a job description. Secondly, is to develop a recruitment plan. Thirdly, selection strategy will be selected. Fourth is to determine how performance will be evaluated and how pay will be determined. Lastly, the paper will address training and development issues for professional growth of the selected candidate. The position that needs to be filled is that of a senior account as replacement of the manager promoted to chief financial officer. As such, the person will work directly under financial officer’s supervision. Job Analysis This is an in-depth study of the tasks and behaviors related to the position and form the foundation of HRM (Bohlander & Snell, 2010). It entails gathering information about the job by establishing the duties, tasks and activities of the job. However, predetermined steps are used to gather the information so as to ensure it is reliable and valid. This is due to the fact that an incorrect job an alysis affects all the other human resource functions as they derive from it (Mullins, 2010). It means a wrong job description and job specification which translates to recruiting the people who do not match the job. The information required can be gathered through observation, interviews, questionnaires and even secondary sources such as O*NET. Observation involves a job analyst observing an employee performing the task and recording the tasks, activities equipments and materials used. Analysts can also interview persons in the same positions or develop a questionnaire for them to fill indicating their job duties, purpose of the job, tasks, equipments and materials, special health and safety concerns, physical setting and requirements for performance such as skills, education and experience, physical and mental demands (Bohlander & Snell, 2010 p. 153-154). O*NET o the other hand, has already job descriptions of 23500 occupations. The aim of conducting job analysis is to understand the job and establish essential duties and responsibilities and behaviors required for performing the job. The essential competencies are those portrayed by high performers in the same role (Searle, 2003). The first step is thus to understand the job and the second step is identifying performance behaviors as outlined above. These behaviors are then used to identify and choose essential competencies which are arranged in order of importance as shown in figure 1. Essential competencies are those performed most of the time and also required when job starts as opposed to learning on the job. The fourth step is to determine how
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5
Religion - Essay Example er eight of the text, which discusses how a group of churches banded together to do social outreach projects in the city around them in 1996, after welfare reform measures were signed into law by President Clinton. It was feared that the changes would leave many of the poor and underprivileged without necessary services. One such group was known as â€Å"the Cluster.†Its members busied themselves in activities such as litter cleanup, literacy training, and vocational guidance. While their efforts did much good and provided a visible spiritual presence, the volunteers themselves actually minimized the degree to which they used religious terms to describe their work. As one passage relates: After eighteen months of Cluster meetings, I counted a total of five instances in which Cluster members affirmed a religious basis for action – in mostly jocular or indirect terms at that. In one instance, a member quipped that the Cluster needed to â€Å"act on the Christianity that comes out of our mouths.†It appeared to the researcher that, given the fact that the workers were people of faith, there should have been more verbal expressions of the spiritual ideals that supposedly motivated their good deeds. But instead such discussions were quite rare. They acted more in line with what could be expected of representatives from a secular agency such as the Lions Club or the Boy Scouts. This finding indicates that, as religious volunteers branch out into the areas surrounding their church buildings, they adopt more of a secular outlook on things in general, including the motives for their service projects. This same sort of effect was noted in the chapter that discussed how Evangelical Christians interpret and practice their beliefs about male –dominated households. The writer mentioned how such arrangements are often thought to be very hierarchical and paternalistic. The customary mental image is of a stern, controlling husband and father handing out orders
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The Determinant Power of Education on Economic Development Term Paper
The Determinant Power of Education on Economic Development - Term Paper Example The researcher states that obvious determinants of economic development include, but are not limited, to the following: the overall number of human resources available within a given geographic region, the overall number of raw material or prevalence that might be exhibited within a given geographic space, distance to determine the market, and last but not least the overall education level of the workforce. It has been broadly assumed over the past several decades, without a great deal of analysis, that education levels dramatically impact upon the overall rate and extent to which economic development is able to take place. However, a more thorough analysis of the issue does not necessarily reveal this simplistic interrelationship. Instead, stronger more market-driven determinants have been effectively determined to have a profound impact upon economic development; at least as compared to the overall education level of the human resources that might be available within a state. As a function of this understanding and analysis, the following paper will provide a literature review, methodology, data analysis, references, and appendix that describes the impact and importance of education in terms of economic development. The underlying hope of the author is that such a level of analysis will be beneficial in providing a more determinant of how economic development can effectively be engaged and how stakeholders can seek to promote further levels of economic development within their respective spheres. One of the first pieces of literature that were reviewed in terms of this particular focus has to do with Singh and Hensel’s article entitled â€Å"Impact Of Extension Education On Improving Knowledge Of Sustainable Technical Agricultural Practices†. Within the article, the authors consider the means by which the United States economy has changed as a function of time. Essentially, manufacturing and the production of durable goods within the United Stat es was a staple of economic development; even as compared to service industries or any other sector of the economy.
Monday, August 26, 2019
English Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6
English Class - Essay Example Both articles also identify the parties involved in the incident and reasons behind the fracas, which finally culminates into the killing of five colonists by British Army. Another aspect of similarity is that the articles also carry the engraving of Paul Revere and mentions about one of the victims, Crispus Attucks, who later became a hero. The first article is a brief account of the incident, which is focused on the historical perspective of the occurrence. It is divided into different sections, each dealing with a specific aspect of the incident. Though the second article also provides an historical account of the incident, it is more focused on how Paul Revere, an artist who â€Å"capitalized on the Boston Massacre†to promote his engravings. (The Boston Massacre: A Behind-the-Scenes: Look at Paul Revere’s Most Famous Engraving 1). The former article also provides information about the trials that entailed the incident. On the other hand, the latter is silent on this aspect. The first article dwells on some myths about the Boston Massacre, and emphasizes the fact that â€Å"there were other historical milestones†that forced Boston to revolt (What was the Boston Massacre par. 9). The other article attempts to interpret the allusions shown in the engravings of Paul Revere. The Boston Massacre: A Behind-the-Scenes: Look at Paul Revere’s Most Famous Engraving. Boston Public Library. n.d. Web. 19 Sep. 2011.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Color, Language, And Perceptual Categorization Lab Report
Color, Language, And Perceptual Categorization - Lab Report Example EXPERIMENTS IN CATEGORICAL PERCEPTION AND LANGUAGE The languages of South Africa have provided researcherer with the opportunity to study categorical perception across cultures. It was discovered that the South African language uses one color term for a color region while the English language needs two terms to describe the same color region. Some languages use a single term for green and blue, orange and yellow, etc. There was no boundary between the two colors in terms of their perception. The question that arose out of these studies was, do the people that speak these different languages have different perceptual boundaries as well? In answer to this question, researchers showed participants one color and then a stimuli of different colors. The participants were to identify stimuli that were the same as the target. By manipulating the target and the distracters from the same or different categories, CP effects could be studied. Using this mechanism, it was discovered that in compa rison to English speakers, African speakers were able to identify a particular hue in one word but the English speakers needed two words to describe the same hue. English speakers were faster when the distracters are green and the target was blue and vice versa for African speakers. However, when the distracters and the target were both blue and both green, English speakers were slower than African speakers. In a task in which participants were shown three colors and asked to â€Å"pick the odd one out,†English speakers picked a color different than the other two categories. African speakers did not show a bias because all three colors were in the same color category. Similar studies have recently compared the effects of language on color by comparing speakers of English and Berinmo.... In this experiment, participants were trained to categorize colors across new color boundaries and separate two types of hue referred to by the same English term. The participants’ discrimination skills were then tested along with their ability to discriminate between colors on different sides of a learned category. It was concluded that through training, CP effects were achieved. Another experiment was performed testing color discrimination. The participants were shown colors separately with a 5-s interval in between. This task involved memory and perception. When people use memory, they use verbal labels which lead to CP. The results of this experiment suggest that improved color discrimination could have been due to simple learning tricks rather than real learned behavior. In still another experiment, participants were tested in a discrimination exercise that required no memory because the two colors were shown at the same time. Color discrimination improved only across the new color category boundary. Currently, an investigation is being held to determine if color category learning can result in detection of color differences. Results have shown that this occurs mainly for hues within the learned boundary. People pay more attention to color boundary regions when they learn a new color category and improvement only occurs in those color regions. As a result of these studies and experiments, one could conclude that there is a "possibility" that language affects color perception.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
ECOSYSTEM TOXIC THREAT RISK ASSESSMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
ECOSYSTEM TOXIC THREAT RISK ASSESSMENT - Essay Example Transport can be the moving of people from one place to the next or the movement of goods and other items such as raw materials from their sources to the manufacturing site. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), vehicle exhaust fumes have been confirmed to contain carcinogens; a statement that is further confirmed by the World health Organization (WHO) which said that the fumes expelled by diesel vehicles contain a harmful amount of carcinogens that may harm people who take them in through breathing. The National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) back up this information by confirmation of the information stated above (Thakur and Haru 64). From the website, the toll of exhaust fumes to the environment is high since they affect a wide range of the components of the environment from human beings, animals and the environment in general. With components such as lead and sulfur emissions, there are many detrimental effects of exhaust fumes to the environment (Monosson 44). From the class notes and the course being undertaken, it has been proven that vehicle exhaust emissions form a large part of the green house gases that are responsible for the increase in the temperature of the earth in what is called global warming. While there is information from many sources against the high amounts of vehicle exhaust gases and fumes and their contribution to global warming in general, the website has an argument that depicts vehicle fumes as only having little effect on the environment compared to the other sources of pollution like industries. The author of this article argues that it is not right to put blame on vehicle exhaust fumes as the main cause of global warming when it is this area that had had the most improvement in terms of eliminating the negative impacts to the environment (Barrow 71). It is thus a great topic to choose upon given that is has a lot of information and topics for discussion. Section Two: Vulnerability of the Environment to Vehicle Fumes The impact of vehicle exhaust fumes is majorly chronic in its impact on the environment. Since the impact of many polluting elements is chronic to the environment, those of exhaust fumes follow the same path and have the same impact. This is due to the reason that it takes some time for the chemical elements in the fumes, which are mostly little in amount, to accumulate to harmful levels and thus affect the environment (Jones 86). The threat from vehicle exhaust fumes is also systemic (ecosystem) in nature given the fact that it affects the environment as a whole. The elements released by vehicles and the gases that accompany them add up to cause not only diseases in animals and human beings but also cause global warming that affects the whole ecosystem (Gupta 45). No specific species is targeted by the negative effects of these chemicals since they affect all the living species from plants to animals in equal measure. S ection Three: Risk Assessment The risk level from exhaust fumes is very real given that each day; a very large amount of fumes is released by vehicles all over the world. The number of vehicles owned especially by private individuals increases every single day given that more and more people are affording to buy vehicles for their personal use and other purposes. Even with efforts that are
Project on T. Bills Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Project on T. Bills - Research Paper Example The Treasury bill finances the government by borrowing money from citizens. Investors can purchase T- bills when they become available or when the government decides to issue them. They mature after a set period of time usually less than a year, and the investors redeem their T- bills for the face value. The purchase of a T- bill serves as a temporary loan to the United States Government which returns it when the T-bill matures. A Treasury bill can be purchased by citizens, banks, financial institutions and corporate houses. While private investors do purchase T- bills, banks and financial institutions are capable of purchasing them on a much larger scale, and thus make up bulk of the trade on the initial day of the T- bill offering. The smallest face value of a T-bill is $1000 making it a very attractive purchase. The T- bill is sold at a discount, which is determined by the Bureau of public debt. But the treasury pays the full face value when it is redeemed. For example an investor may purchase a 90- day treasury bill for $900 and expect a return of $100 at the time of maturity. This $100 is the return on the investment that the investor receives. The treasury has issued a $1000 T-bill at $900. The T-bill does not bear interest by is highly predictable and very stable, barring complete financial collapse of the United States Treasury. Investors may choose to include the T- bill in their profiles as they are highly stable investments with a pre-set time of maturity and decent dependable return. Unlike more risky investments the T- bill is unlikely to return a substantial sum, but when they are traded in large volume they can represent a substantial return. Investors can potentially purchase millions of dollars worth of Treasury bills assuming they possess the available capital. They are also extremely liquid assets, making them a versatile
Friday, August 23, 2019
Wal-Mart Business aroung the World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Wal-Mart Business aroung the World - Essay Example As the paper highlights, Mexico was not a driving region so they have to be within their consumers’ neighborhood. Aside from that, Mexicans preferred fresh products so they had to offer their goods fresh. With their thirst to succeed in their endeavor and the help of Grupo Cifra, Mexico became their first international expansion in 1991. Aside from big established retailers like Metro AC, Aldi and Kaufland, Wal-Mart’s big mistake in their venture in Germany was not having a cultural context on their strategy. Same thing with their business in South Korea, Wal-Mart seemed to cater to Americans alone and did not mind the region’s culture. Unlike with their business in Mexico, they didn’t try to adapt to the needs and wants of their consumers. They eventually had to pull out their business in these countries. Offering freshly harvested products is a must for Chinese. Given that China shares 1/3s of Asia’s population, Wal-Mart considers China as the center of their growth strategy.  International business venture is never easy. There are so many factors to consider. Culture is on top of the listr. As a retailer, you should know the goods a region will buy to stay in business. A rigorous supply and demand and shopping habits study will be essential in order to succeed in your venture. Remem ber that to stay in business, you should get a good percentage of the market. Wal-Mart posted their third quarter profits reaching $3.23 billion, which is 3.2% from a year ago. Their net sales for the third quarter were $98.667, which increased 1.1% from the same period last year. Wal-Mart has more than 7,970 stores including Supercenters and discount stores.Â
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Handmaids Tale Essay Example for Free
The Handmaids Tale Essay The Handmaids Tale is a novel that consists of more than one genre it falls in the categories of being a dystopian science fiction, an autobiography, a love story and even a feminist novel. There are many narrative techniques used here in the Handmaids Tale that make it very complex and original such as the use of flashbacks and the very fragmented narrative structure, all of which I will be discussing in this essay. The significance of the epigraphs at the beginning of the novel I feel set the readers up for the story about to be told, as the first epigraph (Genesis,30:1-3) talks about the use of the Handmaids by trying to justify the use of them by quoting from the bible. The second epigraph (A Modest Proposal) shows the cold-heartedness of people, the controlled sincere tone of this mad scheme he talks about parallels with the earnest fascination of Gilead, giving us a rough clue of the tough regime of the Gileadean society. The third epigraph (Sufi proverb) claims that no one needs to forbid anything that is undeniable even when in a desperate situation, the undesirable could be the solution. The deliberate confusion of the opening chapter where Atwood had chosen to hold back large amounts of information causing the reader to become curious and wanting to read more into the story, the narrator of the story who we are unaware of at this stage is not bothering to introduce to the readers what is happening around her, it seems that the narrator is not just telling the story but merely reminding herself of that specific moment in the past We folded our clothes neatly and laid them on the stool at the ends of the beds this gives us a clue that the narrator has gone through this experience already and is speaking from elsewhere in the future. We can see also that the narrator is fully aware of the changes that have occurred since the time before maybe explaining why she only remembers and doesnt feel the need to explain at first, again a technique used to make the readers wanting more so they can understand what has gone on to cause such a rapid change in their lives. Judging by the atmosphere of the surroundings the readers can see a desperate yearn of the past and the act of physical contact where the girls lean out of their cots just to touch each others hands giving us a sense of oppression and a society with rules and order. There are many characters and themes introduced in this very first confusing chapter but it will have left the readers with a lot of guesswork leaving them gripped on wanting to read more this is why I feel that Atwood has started with a confusing opening chapter. The ordering of the sections just reflect the day to day routine of a handmaid such as shopping, check ups at the doctors etc. it also represents the narrow existence of a handmaid and the feeling of repetition, the ordering does go day, night, day, night and so on except for the napping section, but sleep also occurs here I dont understand why this has a different title? I feel that the night sections contribute massively to the structure of the narrative because this is where we learn most about Offred and of the beginning of the regime of Gilead. This is where Offred can have her time alone and vividly go over her memories of the past The night is mine, my own time, to do as I will. The night time is peaceful for Offred where she can be completely away from the oppression in Gilead. Here we learn of her past about her relationship with Luke, her family, her friends, her daughter and the rapidly changing society of Gilead. It again shows the readers how oppressive Gilead must be as Offred does not feel safe to reminisce in the day time while she is out shopping everyday it shows that the fear of the society is constantly on her mind causing her to be aware of everything that is going on. Through these night sections we learn about Offred herself we see that she is a determined woman, we also see that she is a sensitive because sometimes she cannot go on with her stories as they are too painful, but we also see a rebellious side to Offred because by telling her story she is breaking all the laws of the Gilead regime by going over her past and communicating her thoughts and feelings whereas in the daytime she comes across as agreeing with the regime, but here we hear about each time she breaks the law by having a love affair with Nick or seeing the commander plus remembering her past. The narrative technique of flashbacks is most obvious here, the flashbacks are used to tell us the reasons why things are the way they are, informing us throughout the novel of how the society of Gilead developed. Her flashbacks inform us of how she tried to escape over the border with her child and husband or how she suddenly lost her job at the library if these occurrences had been mentioned at the beginning of the story I feel that it would mean no significance to the reader as they wouldnt have known more about Offred but placing these events in the flashbacks throughout the novel creates mystery for the reader who will want to read on more to find out the endings to these fragmented stories. Also there is an importance to the position of the flashbacks for example when Offred recounts her first meeting with Serana Joy she then talks about her mother A motherly figure,someone who would understand and protect me. Another example is when Offred first kisses Nick in the downstairs living room at night and when she goes back up to bed she then thinks of Luke I believe Luke is lying face down in a thicket. Maybe associating her feelings for Nick with how she felt about Luke in the time before Gilead and even now Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Margaret Atwood section.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Business Goals and Structure of Infosys
Business Goals and Structure of Infosys Infosys is a global IT services company, its bases located in Pune, India, which provides a wide range of IT related services ranging from consulting, design, development, software reengineering, maintenance, systems integration, package evaluation, and implementation to infrastructure management. Prior to Infosys, Indias IT, software industries consisted of providing end-to-end business solutions at overseas locations. Infosys found that it would be more cost efficient if it has access to local talent, for there is actually a significantly well-educated population of human resources in India. The companys main positioning is to capitalize on the premise of globalization. In the words of Narayana Murthy, the founder of Infosys, the goal of Infosys is sourcing capital from where it is cheapest, producing where it is most cost-effective, and selling where it is most profitable, all without being constrained by national boundaries. When Infosys was first established in 1981 in India, by N.R. Narayana Murthy, and six other entrepreneurs, it began as a small-size firm, with just one employee. Infosys went public in 1993, and until then, it showed fairly modest growth. By late 1990s however, its revenues had increased from $2 million to $121 million, and its share price skyrocketed from 95 INR to 8,100 INR per share. Currently, Infosys is one of the largest IT companies in India, with over 130,000 employees. It has offices in 33 different countries and has development centers in India, China, Australia, UK, Canada, and Japan. Since 2000, for three consecutive years, Infosys was rated best employer to work for by Hewitt Associates, and was the only Indian company to win the Global MAKE award for three consecutive years. It has also been seeing a steady increase in applicants over the years. II. Unique organizational structure evolution of Infosys Due to the increasing acceptance and growth of global sourcing, the business executives and IT executives of Infosys see the need for effective change management to adjust to the changes in business environment. In case of Infosys, the organizational evolution involves setting the framework for work, coordinating and controlling what is to be done, and setting a common set of values for workers around the world. The organizational management of Infosys is a highly people-centric process. It begins with recruitment, training of new employees, and finally, the organizational management of hired employees. Infosys has very high criteria in recruiting its workers. The criteria seek for learnability, the ability for employees to quickly and flexibly take in what they are taught during the employee training stage. Infosys invests a significant portion of company revenue to the training of new employees. During the training program, newly hired workers are heavily trained in order to build skills in specific fields, such as analytical-thinking, problem-solving, principles of operating and database-management systems, networking, customer facing, and negotiation. This is to foster a large pool of workers who are capable of successfully dealing with international clients who have different values, backgrounds, and expectations. It moves on to set a common set of values for employees all around the globe. This set of values is referred to as C-life, which includes five core values of customer delight, leadership by example, integrity and transparency, fairness, and pursuit of excellence. Finally, in the overall organizational management of the company, focused on the hired employees, Infosys focuses on dealing with the complexities and uncertainties that exist in the versatile nature of strategic global sourcing. There are bound to be doubts and uncertainties that may be raised among employees, regarding their involvement in companys decision making process and the fear of being cut off after the completion of a transition, due to the traditional centralized structure of Infosys as an Indian company. In order to address these problems, Infosys has brought upon several changes in organizational management. First, to establish a change team that is supported by senior executives and consists of representatives from each of the key areas influenced by the change, to reach out to the employees and ensure that their concerns are heard and addressed, develop and implement risk mitigation strategies in case of employee retention, and developing a system of communication tha t can be successfully delivered across the organization. In short, Infosys emphasizes communication within the company in its evolutionary organizational structure, in order to tend to the problems that may rise due to the constantly changing nature of the related business environment. III. Challenges faced by Infosys It is evidently true that Infosys has made quiet a success regarding the fact that they started out as a small company. Starting from India, Infosys has successfully entered the global market too. However, the people of Infosys acknowledge the fact that the fast moving and developing society does not guarantee a sure success throughout the future. Until now, Infosys successfully reached some point of their goals on the people side and the business side as well. Children who grew in poor education conditions of India joined Infosys and earned pride, accomplishment and great potential. And Infosys was even hired to design part of the intricate wing structure of the superjumbo A380 aircraft as a result of their works to integrate low-cost, high-quality software development services with its competency of managing large scale projects in distributed locations. This success also brought along challenges for Infosys. The first challenge is to become proactive problem-definers rather than be reactive problem-solvers. Infosys now focuses on trying to solve the problems customers complain about. However, it has to transform its behavior to be more active and responding to customers. Infosys should be able to predict the problems and come up with specific actions to solve them before the customers complain. Infosyss aim is to provide solutions leveraging IT. In order to do this, it needs to plan technology solutions and act on implanting them. The second challenge is to become more and more multicultural. Even though Infosys has made some success in entering the global market and expanding its business boundaries across the world, it still needs to clear the remaining cultural barriers. Without doubt, Infosys has made some efforts. It rotates selected managers from various countries through their Infosys Leadership Institute. Also, when there is a large deal, people from different parts of the world contribute to prepare, defend, and to execute numerous proposals. However, this cannot be sufficient for a company to sustainably grow in the global market. Infosys faces some problems in transferring employees from one region to another, for instance, from the United States to India. Exchange and transformations of employees from various regions is crucial for international companies which shows that Infosys still needs to be more multicultural. Finally, the last challenge of Infosys is to continue to retain the soul of a small organization in the body of a large organization. Infosys initially started as an organization of seven people; Murthy and his six friends with a 250 dollar capital in 1981. Now, it consults more than 200 companies world-wide with a revenue of 6.04 billion dollars. It could be described as a dramatic development in 30 years. Inevitably, many procedures and organizational structures would have faced large modifications along with the development of the company. Now Infosys faces the challenge of balancing the organization procedures as well as becoming an integrated multicultural organization. There exists not one company which does not face challenges. Although Infosys faces multiple problems throughout the future, the CEO of Infosys claims to combat these challenges and win in a flat world. IV. The future prospect of Infosys and possibility of further growth while retaining its founding values Infosys was founded upon a clear vision and mission statement which enabled the sound and stable development of the organization. From its foundation, Infosys aimed to become a globally respected corporation in an environment of fairness, honesty, and courtesy towards its clients, employees, vendors and society at large. The five main values that drive Infosys towards this goal are customer delight, leadership by example, integrity and transparency, fairness, and pursuit of excellence. Nevertheless, the corporation realizes that continuing to retain a soul of a small organization in the body of a large, international organization could be a challenge in the upcoming future that it must address. While it is healthy for an organization to prepare and be prudent, there are enough reasons to believe that Infosys will be able to retain and even increase its growth rate while maintaining its integral founding values at the same time. Infosys emphasizes that human capital as the main asset of the organization. Infosys currently has more than 520,000 employees located in 33 countries worldwide. Infosys is renowned to heavily invest in its employees because it believes that the progress and success of the corporation depends on its workers. The lucky 1 percent of the applicants who are selected to work at Infosys still has to undergo 14 weeks of rigorous boot camp to earn the chance to take the final tests and become official Infoscions. These 14 weeks of training aims to truly transfer the founding values of Infosys so that every Infoscion would always the importance of the basic values that led to the companys success. The process of becoming an employee at Infosys is extremely difficult but the system can ensure that the corporation only picks the best and the brightest workers who can truly add to the value of the international company. The last decade of performance has shown that Infosys continued to prosper w hen they hired more and more of qualified workers around the world. Exhibit 1 and exhibit 2 shown above depict the positive relationship of Infosys employees strength and the revenue of the company. The average employee growth rate during the decade of 1996 to 2006 was 40 percent while its revenue growth rate was 39 percent. As Infosys continues to expand its pool of workers to around the world through its Global Labor Pool, it is best positioned to become a truly multicultural organization that can understand the cultural nuances and languages of its vast client base. Infosys is ready to enjoy high growth of sales in the future while retaining the soul and values of a humble small organization. V. Conclusion-Infosys in 2015 Infosys will be able to grow even more due to the fast changing financial market. By 2015, the world will continue to flatten, fiscal market will further open and this will benefit the world economy, and market regulations will be reduced with technological progress. It will be a true era of globalization and technological advancement. In the financial market there will be a shift of power from the financial institutions to the customers. As technology will give more power to customers to directly take control, Infosys role will become even more crucial in the future in providing high-end-to-end business solutions. Therefore, Infosys will hire more highly trained workers in strategic locations in the world and become an even more multicultural corporation that builds trust and communicates with its customers to establish the status of the most globally respected organization in the world in its field by 2015.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Developing Road Protection Program Policy
Developing Road Protection Program Policy Theory of microeconomics Introduction Consumers of the American region, in particular, road are the ones who have the right to be safe and protected as it is outlined in the mechanisms of environmental protection. The inclusion of this statement will be valid for any possible products and services that are being provided in the market place to promote safety devices providing consumers with the believes and faith that their functionality is to provide protection to their road and that they can be sound around different objects of threat and harm. Consumers are supposed to be educated in terms of increasing their knowledge and awareness of being informed shoppers and their rights to consume products that are safer for road. Consumers in this regard should also know the hazards which can take place while specific products are currently in implication. The launch of a product is not merely the availability of something useful; it should rather be safe to use after the purchase is made. Multiple consumers are supposedly repo rted by ANEC (American Association for the Co-ordination of Consumer Representation in Standardization) undertake the CE mark to be the official safety seal when there is no universal American mark that allows a product to be used on safe terms. Serious injuries and even fatal accidents have been reported associated with various products in many Member States’ system of national data in the region. Within the US market therefore, there is an essential need of evaluation and measurement of the consumer product safety regulations in an essential manner. The chosen product is baby prams for the purpose of analysis in this report. Discussion Health aspects and road protection programs determine the success and practical approach of a product company because all of the individuals and managing persons like to take advantage of such facilities over time. Just when they are allowed to fulfill the expectations from work, they are also going for free assessments, training sessions and check-ups as well. This clearly indicates the level of interests in people for the road protection programs to be introduced in the system for good. Management in dealing with road protection programs is extremely important when it comes to providing a centre of achievements and coordination. No matter what an individual is getting out of these programs, on a cultivated level, the aim of any corporation while introducing these road protection programs is to help their employees lead a professional approach and lives through education and self-management in all terms. Road side protective plan and management of environmental factors is of great importance and diversity as well because there are different aspects involved with it that are not only convenient to understand but very applicable and successful as well. Where people think value chain is only predictable and applicable on the business management firms and organizations but it can also be implemented on different technological factors and considerations. Things like information systems and production work can also imply value chain model very practically. Information systems are all about carrying out the purchasing, communication, material handling and several other aspects which value chain model can handle pretty well if implied in a better manner. Technology has advanced with modernization and enhancement of different activities throughout the world and value chain model can make it even susceptible and prone to getting on intermediate success height. The idea which value chain model can base on when it comes to connecting it with information systems is that an organization is more than just manpower, resources, outlook and research or the machinery and equipment that is being used at all times; it is about the arrangement and a systematic appearance and organization of different production facilities. Within information systems, technology matters and consumers want to get something which they are paying for and in this matter it is highly important and significant that the value chain model supports the idea generation and background of the material provided. The ability to go on making progress with the routine activities generating different developmental arrangements will be the linkage point between the information syste ms and value chain model. For the success of road protection programs and their implementations, there are some basic elements and considerations which should be contemplated and noted down. Here are those functional basics and predisposition requirements to look over. Support and direction from the leading services If the management that is belonging to the upper level of a road protection industry is not involved with the road protection programs and its strategic implementation, it will remain a low priority with managers and other employees and there will no specific clue as to what should be done about it for a successful and clearer approach. For this reason, there should be clear decisions taken to make sure CEOs and other beneficiaries are involved with the procedure to make employee’s physical and mental state health and essential enough. Involvement of employees in the developmental procedure Just when the layout for road protection program for a company is being designed, there should be a common sense approach of employees with it as well since the implementations are taken place for the employees on their own. It is therefore critical for that matter to have planned the logistics and classes which are to be moderated later on. Employees should support these programs in a cultivated fashion to support their own personal beings and participate further to what they have developed on their own. Objective analysis Just when the hospitality industry is making road protection program plans and different commencements or determining which techniques can be implemented for the causes, there should be suitable planning done for the purposes as well. In order to have successful implementations of these programs, it is important for the internal and external factors to be balanced out which is why a careful monitoring and observation is required essentially (Roberts, 1996). In order to have the road protection programs projected in a manner that they will increase the productivity of a company, there should be checking as in determining if these plans are meeting the objectives and purposes on a normal, usual basis. To do that, there should be surveys and production analysis to the means and measurements. This will determine and clarify which plans have been the most effective and which sets of instructions are the most captivating ones. External assessments can also be carried out to know whether th ey have been any helpful and moderating for the cause or not. Having a budget plan Having budget plan for the road protection program is the most important and essential out of all the management considerations because this is going to cover the allowances and extra techniques that are being employed on the employees and it will also commence the extent to which these management tactics can be extended over time. This will analyze the road protection programs as a vital part of the organization and not only that, it will also cause the settings to become more motivational and stronger with the gradual time allowance and movement. Budgeting will also ensure that expenses of the programs are controlled in a specific manner and that the funds are not being wasted. Although road protection programs are not invented by different companies for stress reduction and several other soothing techniques, it is an integral part of customer service and productivity in an important manner. The significance of eliminating stress and frantic behavior from the customer service management should ultimately be removed and therefore, hospitality industry emphasizes on having proper measurements and a proactive approach towards road protection programs and applications. Effective functioning of those business components is required for any road and environment protection serving within any region of the world because they are known commodities for the effective implications and therefore proper advancements of the social backgrounds. These set of backgrounds are important to be included within the road and environment protection because they prove a greater amount of competitiveness and advantages within the social arrangements. The qualities and information availability assures attainment of major contracts and consumers for those hotels which have labors and skills for the purpose in a benefitting manner. The specifications and reviews are also approached for those companies and hotels that follow such regimens; contribution of employees for that matter are extremely important as well because the guidelines and appropriate rules are going to define a majority of conclusive approximations which are necessary for the hospitality causes and for the i ndustry. For the skills and their fitting to the broader system of work, there are different job designing parameters for the validation of staff. Such purposes are fulfilled with the help of labors and skills as well and they are important for effectual strategic placement as well as recruitment of more individuals. Labors and skills are important in creative aspects of the road and environment protection as well culminating within the responses of multiple advancements; there are individuals required for thinking procedures and creative responses as well and they can only be found in cases of proper selection and foundation of individuals. Growth and developmental factors hinge on such arrangements too. Conclusion Health should be a top priority when it comes to talking about things which an affiliation or a company should do for its product because it is something very essential and important and not only it can be taken out much derivations from but also carried out to have successful planning done within a considerable amount of time. There are a lot of different companies that do not recognize and undermine the benefits and advantages of the road protection programs and the ones which haven’t done so up until now still believe in the concept for an increase in the productivity and employee involvement in a single company. It can be directed towards anything and everything that an individual can go through including work stress or an ailment that the individual is already suffering from in the first place. Creating and implementing road protective programs on different levels of a product organization is essential and important and it is full of outcomes and results that are positive and ready to be customized in any way one can possibly think about. For the manufacture industry, it is even more compelling and advanced because this allows for every sector of this association to have complete control and command over their abilities. It is a field where people as employees need to provide their customers and consumers with the satisfactory outcomes and results that they need and it can be only achieved when the staff is feeling up to the mark and their mental health is not being compromised for some reasons and that they are enjoying their tasks in a beneficial manner. While buying products, the consumers should know of the regulations and commencements as well in order to provide prams or other associated products that are safer to use and convenient to operate. Knowing the components that are harnessed effectively and to create a balanced use for the road is important and beneficial as well. In the US product manufacture industry, the regulations should be taken into account by both the companies and customers to create proper awareness and knowledge of the topic. References Allen, N. J., and Meyer, J. P. (1990).The Measurement and Antecedents of Affectice, Continuance and Normative Commitment to the Organization. Journal of Organizational 80, Psychology, 63, 1-18. Apospori, E., Nikandrou, I., Brewster, C., and Papalexandris, N. (2008), ‘HRM and Organizational Performance in Northern and Southern Europe,’ International Journal of Human Resource Management 19, 7, 1187–1207. Barrett, A., O’Connell, P. J. 2001. Does training generally work? The returns to in company Training. Industrial and Labour Relations Review, 54(3): 647-662. Oribabor, P.E. (2000), â€Å"Human Resources Management, A Strategic Approval Human Resources Management 9 (4) 21 24 Peteraf, M.A. (1993), ‘The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based View,’ Strategic Management Journal, 14, 3, 179–192. Stavrou, E., Brewster, C., and Charalambous, C. (2004), ‘Human Resource Management as a Competitive Tool in Europe,’ work paper, London: Henley College.20. Tyson, S., Tyson, S., and Fell, A. (1986), Evaluating the Personnel Function, London: Hutchinson. Role of Training in Determining the Employee Corporate Behavior with Respect to Organizational Productivity: Developing and Proposing a Conceptual Model Vol. 5, No. 12; December 2010
Monday, August 19, 2019
Importance of History in George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) :: Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 Essays
The Importance of History in 1984 Â Time is an amazing element of the universe we are in. It is a driving force - we cannot speed it up or slow it down, it perpetually marches forward at a constant speed. After a moment in time has past, it becomes the past, and we have absolutely no way of going back to it to experience it again in a new way. Once time has past, all that remains is our perception of it. History is nothing more than our collective perceptions of the past. And perception is not like time - it is not constant, it can be altered. In George Orwell's 1984, the leaders of the Party use written records to alter the peoples' perception of history, ultimately as a means of control. Â Everyone has different perceptions of the same reality. Everything that we experience is altered by our individual perceptions. There is one reality, but each person experiences slightly different versions of that reality. The source or reason for this is the individual experiences of each person. Everything we experience in our lives piles up to form our past. Our memory brings back experiences from this heap of the past. These memories combine with the reality we are experiencing in the present to form our individual perception of reality. Â Everything is perceived differently by each person, and different perceptions of reality vary greatly. An potato is a completely different thing to a farmer and a chef. The idea of music is completely different to a musician and a deaf person. Hitler was a completely different person to a Nazi and a Jew. Even though there is really only one real idea of a potato, one definition of music, and one Hitler, many different realities of these exist within people's perception. Â History is convoluted by perception. There are two ways of looking at history: through our own memories and perception, and through that of others. It is impossible to preserve history in its ideal form. If we look at history through our own memories, we will not see the reality of history, we will see our individual version of the reality. The same thing happens when we look at history through the memories and perception of others. Media is sometimes used to preserve history, but even this is only a perceived version of history.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Japanese New Year Essay -- Japan History Holidays Essays
Japanese New Year Introduction: In Japan one of the most celebrated festivals is New Years. The Japanese New Year, or Oshogatsu (‚ ¨Ã‚ ³Ã…’Å ½), is given more preparation than any other festival. There are many traditions and activities that happen at this time. Oshogatsu is a time to visit temples, forget the troubles of the past year, and wish for good fortune in the new. Many festivals around this time also reflect the values and ideals of New Years. History: During the time of the Empress Suiko (593-628), Japan was influenced greatly by the religion and beliefs of China. In A.D. 604 Japan officially adopted the Chinese calendar. gThe new calendar was a lunar- solar one that has its months based on the lunar cycle. Casal writes gThe month begins when the sun enters the sign of the Fishes: the first day of the year, therefore falls on a day between January 20th and February 19th, and this is much nearer to spring (2). This system was in effect until the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in 1872. This is important because the seasons fall in line better with the lunar calendar than the modern one. In rural areas, many farmers still apply the Chinese calendar to their trade. Japanese people believed that the New Year started when the plants began to sprout life again, a new beginning. This happens throughout most of Japan in mid Jan. in line with the lunar calendar. In todayfs society Oshogatsu always falls on the same day (Jan. 1st), there are other festivals, which fall into the lunar calendar that have the same values of purification and new beginnings. Another influence from China at this time was Buddhism, which had been praised by Prince Shotoku Taishi, and became the official religion in 621.... ...nt from, and happier than, we do on ordinary days.h(Casal 1) Bibliography 28 Nov. 2003 Seattle, Washington, (7) Japan Cultural Network Homepage. 28 Nov. 2003 2 Dec. 2003 Casal, U. A. The Five Sacred Festivals of Ancient Japan. Ruttland, Vermont &Tokyo Japan: Charles E. Tuttle Company Inc. 1967 Bauer, Helen & Carlquist, Sherwin. Japanese Festivals Doubleday & Company Inc. Garden City, New York, 1965 gHadaka Mairih Akita sakigake (Newspaper) 20 Jan. 2003 (1, 26)
Allegory Essay -- essays research papers
Allegory Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave is a short story specifically discussing the parallels between the shadows the prisoners sees on the wall of the cave, and the illusion, which passes off as truth in today\\'s society. The Allegory of the Cave is about Socrates teaching his student, Glaucon, certain principles of life by telling him one of his allegories. The Allegory of the Cave can be interpreted in many ways; one way is to make a comparison between the story and the way of thinking by individuals in a closed society. Socrates states that the cave is a world many of us would like to see, but is not really how the world is. It is almost like the movie \\"The Matrix\\", where Neo, the main character is to discover that the world he lives in, is not the real world, but a world generated by machines and computers. Only in Socrates\\' allegory, the world is not created by computers, but by individual minds. Socrates wants Glaucon to be a wiser, better-educated man, who will later become a ruler of the State. He wants him to know not only the right, but also experience the wrong, because only a man who knows the bad, can truly understand and appreciate the good. Socrates does this by telling him a story, to let him better understand the principles of life. Men are chained down in a cave and have a wall blocking their view to the outer world. The prisoners can only see the shadows of the objects on the other side of the wall. If the prisoners see the shadows of the men ...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Identify the Current Legislations, Guidelines, Policies and Procedures for Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young People Including E-Safety. Essay
Many accounts of child abuse and neglect can be avoided in many cases if all the agencies involved with children worked well together and were able to identify the signs that a child was at risk. Many children have their development affected through the actions of abuse, neglect or bullying, the majority of these events happen behind closed doors. Policies and procedures for child protection and safeguarding children that are in place at settings for children and young people are there because of legislation passed in parliament. In 2000, an 8 year old girl called Victoria Climbià ¨ was tortured and murdered by her guardians. Her death resulted in a mass investigation and the demand for stricter child safety laws. The inquest in 2003, lead by Lord Laming, led to the green paper, a preliminary report of government proposals that is published in order to raise discussion on the matter, named Every Child Matters. This then produced the Children Act 2004. The five main principles of the act are: -The introduction of local authority’s Children Directors with responsibility for education and children’s services. -Councillors for children’s services with responsibility for local child welfare are introduced. -Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB) have power to sure that social services, the NHS education services, the police and other services work together, ensuring maximum protection towards vulnerable children. -A Common Assessment Framework to help agencies to identify the needs of children. All settings working with children and young people must have the following procedures and policies put in place: -A policy for the protection of children under the age of 18 which states responsibilities and is reviewed annually. -Arrangements to work with the Local Safeguarding Children Board -A duty of care to inform the ISA of any individual, e.g. a paid employee, volunteer or other, which is a potential threat to the children. -Up to date training on safeguarding for all members of staff, governors and volunteers. -Effective, regular risk assessments to check that the safeguard policy and plans are effective and working -All staff, volunteers who have regular unsupervised access to children under the age of 18, are to have a CRB check (Criminal Record Bureau) Another form of safeguarding that has been introduced as it has become more popular is E-safety. Many children and young people have endless access to the internet or the use of a mobile phone. The internet, mobile phones and even video games all have a number of benefits; however, they also hold a great number of risks for children and young people. In 2008, The Byron Review, by Dr Tanya Byron reported on the risks to children and young people from the exposure to potentially harmful or inappropriate content on the internet, and issued guidance on how they should be protected. Because no-one can fully remove the bad stuff from the internet and make it completely safe, steps are put in place to ensure that children and young people are somewhat safe whilst browsing: -Blocking access to inappropriate or unsuitable sites. -Limiting time spent on the computer/video game. -Making children and young people of the dangers on the internet. -Helping children and young people to know how to identify and recognise the dangers. -Educating parents and cares about the risks and danger and how to handle them. Young children are extremely vulnerable and rely on adults for safety, security and the fulfilment of their needs. Children need to be supported to develop a strong sense of self worth, this will help them to become more confident and make positive choices to protect themselves. Bullying There is no exact definition of bullying as there are many different kinds, a child may experience bullying attacks which are; Physical – hitting, pushing, pinching, shoving, or other forms of violence. Verbal bullying – name calling, spreading rumours, sarcasm, teasing. Emotional bullying – Exclusion, humiliating, ridiculing and tormenting. A bully will often use a mix of all the above, usually involving other children either as witnesses or participants in the act. If attacks continue, its more than likely the events will escalate in severity. Emotional bullying seems to be a more popular form of bullying as a posed to physical, particularly ridiculing and exclusion. Another form of bullying, closely linked to emotional bullying is currently on the up rise. Cyberbullying is relatively new method of bullying and involves mainly, threatening or humiliating through texts, emails and social networking sites such as facebook.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Introduction to Supply Chain Management Essay
1. According to the text, key ingredients for developing successful supply partnerships include all of the following EXCEPT: a. Personal relationships b. Individualized objectives c. Mutual benefits and needs d. Performance metrics 2. The combination of the purchase price of a good and additional costs incurred before or after product delivery can be referred to as: a. Total cost of acquisition b. Total cost of ownership c. Purchase requisition cost d. Total procurement cost 3. Benefits of implementing an effective supplier certification program include all or the following EXCEPT: a. Building long-term relationships b. Reducing time spent on incoming inspections c. Increasing supplier base d. Recognizing excellence 4. A company using a weighted-criteria evaluation system has established these 5 categories and the appropriate weight in parentheses: Quality (0.30) Responsiveness (0.20) Delivery (0.20) Cost (0.20) Technology (0.10) Company X received the following ratings in each of the five categories: Quality(90), Responsiveness(80), Delivery(80), Cost(90), Technology(90). What is their total score? a. 87.0 b. 85.5 c. 86.0 d. 84.0 5. SRM software should be capable of: a. Automating transactional processes b. Making information flow between partners more visible c. Integration of the supply chain making it possible to monitor multiple departments and processes both internally and externally
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Pros & Cons of Legalizing Marijuana
Pros & Cons of Legalizing Marijuana From Deborah White, former About. com Guide See More About:marijuanaobama policiescivil liberties Photo: John Moore/Getty Images Ads The Arcadia Spine Center www. TheArcadiaSpineCenter. com Specializing in holistic treatment for neck pain, and low back pain Alcohol Abuse Solutions www. AskListenLearn. com Take The Pledge & Say No To Alcohol We'll Help You Achieve Your Goals. Is He Cheating On You? Spokeo. com/Cheating-Spouse-Search 1) Enter His E-Mail Address 2) See Hidden Pics & Social Profiles Now!More US Liberal Politics Ads Marijuana Juvenile Crime Statistics Cons Politics Weed Ads Find a Lawyer – Free www. LegalMatch. com Free, Confidential Lawyer Locator. Save Time – Describe Your Case Now! Free teeth whitening www. arcadiamaindental. com Cosmetic & Family Dentist Arcadia Please call or email for details (Continued from Page 1) Pros (See page one of this article for current developments and milestones in U. S. marijuana history. ) Primary reasons in support of legalizing marijuana are: Social ReasonsProhibition of marijuana is unwarranted government intrusion into individual freedom of choice. Marijuana is no more harmful to a person's health than alcohol or tobacco, which are both legal and widely used, and regulated by the U. S. Food & Drug Administration. Marijuana has proven medical benefits for cancer, AIDS, glaucoma and other patients. Crime and violence, both within the U. S. and at the U. S. -Mexico border, are greatly increased due to illegal selling and buying of marijuana. Legalization would logically end the need for such criminal behavior.Law Enforcement Reasons â€Å"National statistics show 872,000 arrests last year related to marijuana, 775,000 of them for possession, not sale or manufacturing – sparking some critics to suggest that the resources of the criminal justice system, including the crowded state prisons and courts, might be better used elsewhere,†per the San Francis co Chronicle in 2009. Drug busts of youth for marijuana offenses often carry harsh penalties that can cause undue social harm with lifelong consequences. Fiscal Reasons Marijuana is one of America's top-selling agricultural products.One California politician estimates that marijuana sales in his state top $14 billion annually. New tax revenues from legalized marijuana sales could exceed $1 billion just for California. This rich new source of tax revenues nationwide would help lift the U. S. economy out of its worst recession in decades. â€Å"†¦ mainstream pundits like Fox News' Glenn Beck and CNN's Jack Cafferty have publicly questioned the billions spent each year fighting the endless war against drugs,†per the San Francisco Chronicle in 2009.If marijuana was legalized and regulated, an estimated $8 billion would be saved annually in government spending on enforcement, including for the FBI and U. S. -Mexico border security. Cons Primary reasons against legalizing mar ijuana are: Social Reasons Some Americans believe that marijuana ingestion is immoral, and that their moral standards should be required of all Americans. Long-term or abusive use of marijuana can be harmful to a person's health and well-being. Second-hand smoke from marijuana can be harmful to others. Many allege that regular marijuana use can lead to use of harder, more harmful drugs such as heroin and cocaine.Law Enforcement Reasons Some opponents of legalizing marijuana believe that individuals involved in illegal buying and selling of the drug are more likely than average to be involved in other crimes, and that society is safer with marijuana offenders incarcerated. Law enforcement agencies don't want to be construed as supporting drug use. There are no signficant fiscal reasons against U. S. legalization of marijuana. Where It Stands On June 23, 2011, a federal bill to fully legalize marijuana was introduced in the House by Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) and Rep.Barney Frank (D-MA. ) T he bill would remove marijuana from controlled substance classification. Commented Congressman Frank to the Christian Science Monitor, â€Å"Criminally prosecuting adults for making the choice to smoke marijuana is a waste of law enforcement resources and an intrusion on personal freedom. I do not advocate urging people to smoke marijuana, neither do I urge them to drink alcoholic beverages or smoke tobacco, but in none of these cases do I think prohibition enforced by criminal sanctions is good public policy. â€Å"In November 2010, Californians will vote via state referendum whether or not â€Å"Californians over age 21 would be able to possess up to one ounce of marijuana, and grow their own plants on a plot up to 5 feet by 5 feet large. †Additionally, Washington, New Hampshire and Massachusetts state legislatures are slated to vote on marijuana legalization bills in 2010. And more than 20 other states are considering bills to otherwise loosen criminalization of marijua na use and possession. Will President Obama Move to Legalize Medical Marijuana?Esquire magazine reported in December 2008, after Obama's election but before his inauguration, â€Å"Turns out, with several drug-war veterans close to the president-elect's ear, insiders think reform could come in Obama's second term  or sooner. †Certainly, Obama may move to decriminalize marijuana for medical reasons. The San Francisco Chronicle reported in February 2009: â€Å"During one campaign appearance, Obama recalled that his mother had died of cancer and said he saw no difference between doctor-prescribed morphine and marijuana as pain relievers.He told an interviewer in March that it was ‘entirely appropriate' for a state to legalize the medical use of marijuana ‘with the same controls as other drugs prescribed by doctors. ‘†States Could Be Given Jurisdiction Over Marijuana If President Obama does move to support decriminalization of marijuana, look fo r him to do so by granting states the jurisdiction to decide this issue, just as states decide marriage laws for their
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Incumbents and Their Re-election Essay
Statistical research suggests that in 1998 a total of 395 Representatives and 26 Senators were reelected (U. S. Census, 2000). Since the middle of the 20th century and up to the present time, the process of re-electing incumbents has turned into one of the major political trends. The more incumbents sought to reestablish themselves in political office, the more concerned political scholars became about the causes and factors of such political advantage. The current state of political research suggests that a whole set of factors predetermines incumbents’ continuous political success, with access to media and excessive financial resources being the most important elements of political fight. True, those trying to become the members of political office for the first time often lack sufficient political opportunities, compared to resources, which incumbents can access and use in their election campaigns. Reelection of incumbents has already turned into the major political trend in the U. S. , and there are several reasons for that. To begin with, incumbents are frequently referred to as â€Å"the perks of Office†; in other words, all Congress members are given enough material and nonmaterial resources to hire professional staff, whose primary responsibility is to turn their Congress employers into well-represented, widely recognized and well-liked political figures (McKay 140). For example, incumbents can send postage-free letters to their constituents, and can use these as a part of their promotional political campaigns (McKay 140). These are just some out of many benefits which Congress members are being granted by the state. Time is just another component of incumbents’ success in Congress. It should be noted, that Congress is incumbents’ full-time job, and meeting voters, resolving local issues, and participating in public events and television shows are what they are being paid for. It appears that for many potential candidates to run for office and to try to combat an existing Congress member would mean to face the lack of media and financial resources, which for the current Congress members are available on a regular basis (McKay 147). Certainly, all these benefits would be irrelevant and unimportant if not for the image promotion and visibility of all Congress members. It is difficult to deny the fact that â€Å"sitting members of Congress are almost universally recognized in their districts†(Cusdi). This visibility is the direct result of one’s running for office, and after having served two or more years for Congress, its members become widely recognized and accepted among their constituents; and voters are more likely to give their vote to those whom they already know for their Congressional achievements than those, who just start their political career. It should also be noted, that such political visibility is directly associated with incumbents’ ability to organize their promotional campaigns. Having won at least one election campaign, an incumbent is more prepared to face the major political and organizational challenges than his (her) political opponents (McKay 152). Finally, these are financial resources that predetermine incumbents’ political successes. McKay writes that â€Å"for both senators and representatives, money has become a crucial resource in congressional elections. With voters acting in response to the appeal of individual candidates rather than to parties, both incumbents and challengers must ensure that the voters know who they are and what their record is†(169). It appears that in terms of money, incumbents also have significant comparative advantage over political outsiders. Average financial resources available to incumbents are 2-3 times higher than those available to challengers, which makes it impossible for the latter to develop well-grounded media campaigns. For example, in 2002 many Republican incumbents took advantage of â€Å"fundraising visits by President Bush during the 2002 election cycle†(Smith, Roberts & Wielen 74). As a result, incumbents have much more chances to win elections for the second time, and will hardly give their position away to political outsiders. Conclusion A whole set of advantages works to provide incumbents with an opportunity to be reelected. Time, visibility, access to media, and excessive financial resources – all these factors make incumbents less vulnerable to political changes and give them a kind of comparative advantage over political challengers. On the one hand, these advantages seem to make elections unfair, but on the other hand, political outsiders have to develop convincing argumentation that would persuade constituents to change their political commitments, and to give a political beginner a unique chance to run for office.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
The temperature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The temperature - Essay Example Energy can transform from one form to another and it can also be transferred between different mediums. When a man floats in cold water whose temperature is significantly lower than his own body temperature, the energy flows from his body into the water. Consequentially, the man starts to become colder while the water around his body starts to rise in temperature. When this happens, its not heat that is transferred, rather it is the man’s internal energy. â€Å"...heat and internal energy are two quite different things; the energy associated with microscopic motions and forces is internal energy, not heat†(Reynolds and Perkins cited in Watson, 2010). The term renewable fuel is used for natural resources which reform faster than they are consumed. Various physical and biogeochemical processes are involved in the replenishment of natural resources (Think Quest, n.d.). According to this definition of renewable fuels, almost all types of resources are renewable resources. Humans need to adopt ways that would allow those resources to replenish faster than the rate at which they consume them. Nevertheless, this is not always possible, particularly with resources such as oil and coal which take too long to replenish. Alternate renewable resources include water, solar power, air and
Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4
Business law - Essay Example A property based legal system is one that revolves around the notion of property – which is the legal right to exclude or keep others from interfering with one’s property, which is what one owns. Under this concept, there would be three kinds of property (a) public property which is owned by the Government (b) private property, which comprises the resources that an individual owns and (c) common property, which comprises land and other kind of property which people own jointly. There is greater incentive for people to develop those resources which they own because they can control what they produce.In the United States, the capitalist system and the free market allows individuals to develop, to freely benefit and profit from the property and resources that they own. Therefore, this provides them the incentive to work hard to develop their resources. For example, in the United States, I can use my talent and financial resources to start a small business and I will be ent itled to make as much profit as I can and keep most of that profit for myself. In a similar way, I will also have the right to enter into deals with other businesses and customers which will bring me the maximum profit and therefore I will have the incentive to work hard at my business to develop it.The property based system is one that is based on a free market system and that of private enterprise. The level of Government control is very low and it is easy for individuals to exercise ingenuity in developing successful business tactics to make the maximum profits.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Reasons for the Apparent Rise of New Religious Movements Assignment
Reasons for the Apparent Rise of New Religious Movements - Assignment Example The phenomenon behind new religious movements (NRMs) is, arguably, not new, since NRM is concerned with a groups of religious bodies or movements that entail an isolated and particular set of attributes, that have been assigned to the fringes of the dominant religious culture and by elements within the secular culture, in context of a set of religious movements that exist in a relatively contested society as a whole. It has been observed that "[m]any religious movements were born and prospered, either as the development of well-known religious traditions or as the result of a syncretic approach to different religions. In many cases their doctrines and practices differed widely from those of the mainstream religions: moreover, the "closed" structure of some of these groups, the unconventional behavior of their members, and some tragic events in which they were involved gave rise to considerable social alarm" (Ferrari, 2006, p.2). Thus, the NRMs have in many cases appropriated the anti -systemic feelings in an efficient manner and have successfully channelized into themselves in order to achieve their (un)declared goals vis--vis legitimate social and political institutions. II. When Religion Returns to a Haunted New World Order Interestingly, NRMs are often identified as 'sect' in a number of European languages "("secure" in French, "settle" in Italian, "sea" in Spanish, "Sekte" in German)" (Ferrari, 2006, p.2). Mostly, such sects are formed by a "group of dissenters who separated from a larger religious group" and popularly indicated as a collection of a "narrow-minded and fanatical group of people" (ibid, p.2).
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Book review Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Book review - Research Paper Example Education for special needs clearly indicates the ways of diagnosis of various illnesses and the way teachers who offer education to this student should have a positive approach towards them. A curative teacher is a teacher who deals with the less fortunate and relates to them every now and then. The education given to the needy should be one that appreciates the needy and develops a good rapport with the needy. Looking at the symptoms, the curative teacher comes up with a method that leads to the treatment of an illness affecting the needy one. Impression created by the curative teacher should be one that contributes to the development of a needy person socially, mentally and physically (Steiner, 2009). The audience targeted for this book is people who really relate to the needy every time. This can either be people living with the aged, doctors living with the needy, teachers who attend to the education of the needy or parents having sons or daughters in needy cases. It enhances more on developing the needy and appreciating them as part of our society. Understanding the symptoms of the needy clearly cultivates an understanding that helps the needy cope with the others in the society. One importance is that communication is enhanced and the needy are rejuvenated because there is one who appreciates him and does not look down on him/her. In a case autism the curative teacher understand the needy and an approach of humor is highly recommended in the book. The interrelationship of the society and the needy is also a key point. The book goes further and categorically states that isolating the needy from the rest of the society contributes to the depression of the less fortunate .For a condition such as mental illness when the victim is subjected to stigmatization depressions can cause the victim to undergo mental failures if not mad. The needy ought to be
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